my dream proximity

i think i've been here before!
it's a brilliant journey of self awakening... i love you! i can hear you moam for the rest of my life.. i love you! i could live here! I LOVE YOU! intoarce-te! .. i'm here! esti cel care ma va salva.. cel putin in lumea mea!! esti eroul meu! chiar daca tu nu stii! shh! i'll tell you in another life when we're both cats. all that you can imagine... i have a universe inside me.. esti aici? ... te asteptam de mult!... every passing moment is a chance to turn it all around.. bine-ai venit! most of us live our hole life without having a name to call ours...dar eu am deja... e pentru tine! ... e perfect! doar noi stim! sstt! it's hard to comprehend, but they lought of jules verne too... "dupa tine, voi suferi mereu"... when your subconscient is playing tricks on you, you can always call Tech support... imi place sa stau in dreapta si sa te vad cum conduci... the consequences, D., it's the little things! mie mi-a fost dor de tine multe vreme... unde ai plecat? revino!!! de ce??? pentru cine??? and like you, she never forgot that one night when true love seemed possible... the sour and the sweet. trebuia sa-ti spun asta.. you have revealed yourself to me!!! fii tare!! the saddest girl to ever hold a martini.. ne mai vedem noi... cum? i'll tell you in anothe life when we-re both cats! sarbatorile se fac in familie!!! it's a nightmare!!!!! my dream is a nightmare!!!!!
tech suppot!!!! tech support!!!!!!!!
si tu traiesti sub ceruri de vanilie...your dream gonna be a nightmare only if you let it become one...
din pacate, tech support nu exista si pentru noi, nu exista alt tech support decat noi insine... curaj...
astept sa ne vedem...
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